Middle Years Programme (MYP)

Middle Years Programme (MYP)

Are you searching for the best  international school in malaysia ? Do you want an international school with which your children can experience life in a different country and culture? If so, you've come to the right place. Here, we're going to introduce you to the diverse world of international education in Malaysia.

Top-Notch Curriculum

One of the first things you'll notice about an international school in Malaysia is the emphasis on preparing your kids for life in the 21st century. Students at these schools are expected to be independent learners who love exploring different cultures and gaining new experiences. Teachers at these schools often praise their students for their maturity and for their ability to work creatively within a group.

To achieve this educational excellence, the schools focus on strengthening their curricula by regularly reviewing the international textbooks and adapting them to fit the Malaysian syllabus. The curriculum at these schools is always planned around a yearly cycle, so that students get the opportunity to study a variety of topics and build on previous knowledge. Some of the courses available at these schools include English, which is always a required subject; mathematics and science; and even a course in computer science!

As part of the International Baccalaureate's (IB's) Middle Years Programme (MYP), students take an integrated approach to learning, so courses such as music and PE are also included.

Diversified Student Body

As with any other good school, diversity is highly valued at international schools in Malaysia. Students from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds attend these schools, so there's always someone to fit in with. Parents of prospective students often ask if their children can join a school with a wide range of students and teachers, and the school management will happily provide them with a list of students who are currently enrolled or have previously attended the school.

A mixed-gender environment is also encouraged, as it provides an opportunity for students to socialise with members of the opposite sex. With the increasing number of co-ed schools around the world, we can see the value in exposing your children to different cultures and encouraging them to make friends with children from around the world. The benefits of this are obvious – nothing like experiencing life in a different country to help your children develop an understanding of other cultures and their ways of living!

Access To International Events

Perhaps the greatest appeal of an international school in Malaysia is the access it gives you to international events. Whether it's an international conference or celebration, music festival, or even an international exhibition, you and your children will have the opportunity to engage with people from around the world. This is a great opportunity for your children to learn about other cultures and how to respect and appreciate diverse differences.

These schools will often be located in the cities, so you can easily make the daily commute to pick up your children. This also means they will be close to good eating venues and shopping malls, so you'll have plenty to do while you're there!

If you or anyone you know are thinking about sending your children to an international school in Malaysia, then you've come to the right place. Here, we've discussed some of the key attractions and appeals of international schools in Malaysia, so you can make the right choice for yourself and your family.